Friday, November 28, 2008

A Classic Sock


A Classic Sock
Originally uploaded by magknits218

Something finished to post about-finally. These were my throw in my bag and take along socks for several years. Clearly, I don't get much time to knit when I'm out and about. I actually finished these last Sunday, but just got lazy about taking the photo and posting. They are just a basic sock pattern from Nancy Bush that I got on a handout at a yarn shop years ago. I think the pattern is also included in Folk Socks.

I also finished re-re-knitting the toes on the socks that I finished the end of September.

Minnesota Wild-

What an up and down season we are having. It seems if we are scoring our defense suffers and if we can't score then neither can the other team. I won't even comment on the last game. Still very upset on the outcome.

Today is Wes Walz Day. I forgot to get my post done to be included in his scrapbook. Bummer, but I guess I had some responsibility to get a dinner done seeing as it was Thanksgiving. I hope to get some pictures. It will be a very emotional day for all Wild fans and I hope the boys don't let that affect their play too much. It seems that these type deals are usually bad luck for the home teams.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Current projects

Current projects
Originally uploaded by magknits218
This is the mess that is my knitting basket at the moment.

I started the blue/green socks (Scattered Leaves) while I was having a brain schism reading the directions for the olive/green socks(Bailiwick). These will be my focus for the month of October. The third pair is the pair I finished last month. I was not satisfied with how long they were and I did have small amounts of yarn left over. So I ripping back the toes and adding a few more rounds of patterning and then re-doing the toes. Pretty much looks like a tangled mess, no?

Minnesota Wild

First regular season game is tomorrow night and I can't wait!

Monday, September 29, 2008


My husband and I are on a short trip to celebrate our 25th anniversary. Not much knitting done, typical cabin lighting. I did, thankfully, finish the pair of socks I've been knitting. Just had toes left. These socks seemed to take forever. I don't know if I will use this yarn again. It split pretty badly but not all the time. Seemed to run in streaks.

Not able to do a really good job following the Wild either. This is Red Wing country and other teams don't exist except in the weekend edition of the paper.

I will try to post some pictures when we get home tomorrow.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Pre-season and minor socks progress

We arrived during warm-ups so this is one of my first pictures of the season.

The crowd was a bit thinner than usual because of the Twins game, I imagine. They gave sporatic updates during the game and had it on in the concourse. Lots of people standing in clumps watching.

My thoughts:

-It's pre-season. In the post game, JL mentioned that the team hasn't worked on their special teams yet. Considering that they did pretty well on the PK. The PP not so much.

-Benoit Pouliot really seems to have stepped up his game. Granted it is pre-season and they aren't playing the A squad team, but he looked more confident. Not overly great on the faceoffs though.

-Krys Kolanos won some defensive zone faceoffs which seems kind of rare with us.

-Nik Backstrom looked solid

-Owen Nolan looked pretty energetic for an old guy. My husband was like, is he a new guy. Clearly my husband does not pay close attention to the NHL.

-Stephane Veilleux is so energetic it makes me tired just watching him. One problem though was when his helmet got knocked off he should have stayed with the play or gone to the bench.

-Mikko Koivu had a short handed break away that went just over the top of the net.

There were a few others that looked promising.

The officiating in the second and third periods was not good. How's that for tact? And I mean in general, not just against the Wild. Almost like they got a call between periods or something.


NO pictures because I'm working on the socks that will not end. I have finally made friends with the yarn (Panda Soy) and the pattern is memorized but they are taking forever. I want them to be done so I can start something new.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

My monthly post?

I finished two pairs of socks today. Both are from The lighter colored pair is called Margaritaville designed by Adrienne Fong. The other ones are Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Shadow socks designed by Judy Alexander. Now I can start some new ones with no guilt!
Sad note: Thing One went back to college today. The dog is acting a bit confused and her chinchilla is not too happy either.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

July post

I seem to be in a rut of posting monthly. I guess better than not at all. I must try to do better. I really haven't been getting much knitting done lately though. I seem to get sleepy when I knit. I sit down and after a few rounds my eyes start crossing and I have to put my sock down.

I did finally finish my May SoTM socks from

The color in the picture isn't true. They are more of a cornflower blue.

This is one of the other socks I have been working on. It is the first of the pair and the other is part way down the foot. I really, really want to start a new pair. It is much easier to finish up projects when they are getting finished faster.

Monday, June 30, 2008

I'm a slacker!

I haven't been getting things done. No blogging, not finishing up knitting projects-all the things that I would like to do. Life has a way of getting in the way of things one really wants to do.

Here is the progress I have made since the last time I made a post.

I finally finished the July 2002 socks-Yankee Doodle socks. I had to reknit the second sock because the gauge was all wrong. I was in denial and I paid for it. Although it doesn't show in this picture, the two socks are different colors. I don't know if this is because I knit one twice or is just a factor of different balls of yarn.

I have also been working on the May socks from

I really wanted to get these done before the next month's socks arrived, but I failed. Last night, I spent several hours trying to figure out if I made a mistake in turning the cables that run up the side of these socks. I haven't looked at them yet today-I'm being chicken or prudent depending on your point of view. Actually I am almost done with the leg-I just haven't gotten any newer pictures taken. My camera has been taking summer adventure pictures for my daughter.

Minnesota Wild-

Last night I found out that the Wild traded the negotiating rights for Brian Rolston to the Tampa Bay Lightening. Not too sad, as he isn't one of my favorites, but I'm beginning to get a bit nervous at wondering what the future holds for next season.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Spring has finally arrived!

Such a long winter this year. My daughter came home for the summer on May 5th, and it snowed the day before. This weather seems to have taken a harsh toll on my gardens. The lavendar and the roses seem to have bit it for sure. Some of the other perennials are not looking too healthy either. But as usual, the crop of dandelions is something to behold. Soon I will be taking up my valuable knitting time for working in the garden. On the other hand, if I have the energy, I will be able to sit and knit or read in my gazebo.

The startitis bug is hitting hard. I can't seem to stay with one project for very long. I also had these socks almost finished for 3+ days before finally weaving in the ends. That's sad. These are the April selection from the Sock of the Month club from

The pattern is May Basket Socks and was a very easy knit. Usually I have a lot of trouble remembering a pattern and have to look at it constantly. This pattern I actually was able to memorize and that really made things move along faster. Here is a close up of the stitch pattern.

Minnesota Wild-

Off season bits of info-Niklas Backstrom and Mikko Koivu participated in the IIHF World Championships for Team Finland. Backstrom got a shutout in the Bronze Medal game yesterday. Brent Burns was named the most valuable defensive player of the tournament. He played for Team Canada which won the Silver Medal.

Current projects:

Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Shadow Socks
Luxury Socks Club from
May 2007

Yankee Doodle Socks-SoTM June 2002 also from

Thursday, April 24, 2008

April Update

I have decided that tax month really sucks the fun out of life. I have been so busy between that and the hockey playoffs that it seems that I have no hobby time left. I have gotten some knitting done regardless.

I finished these socks (March SoTM from few days back and finally got a picture taken today. This was my first venture into knitting two socks on one circular needle. It worked out okay with a few minor setbacks. I really like this yarn (Trekking XXL)

I have cast on my next set of socks again on the one long circular. Pictures to come when they get a bit longer than an inch.


Obviously a disappointing end to the season. I was really proud of the way the team played and I feel that they deserved better. Mikko Koivu and Brian Rolston were in my opinion the two best players for our team. It was awesome to be there for the 3 home playoff games. Will get 'em again next season.

It will be interesting to see what the team looks like next fall. We have quite a few players that are going to be free agents and I imagine the face of the team will be quite different.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Current SIP-

I finished knitting both the legs of the Ariel socks last night. This is a picture of the leg on my arm so the lace shows up better.

Progress for today-I have one of the heel flaps about done.


It was a rather slow moving game last night. But we finally got a win in regulation, so I'll take it. Players of the game were the members of the checking line-Branko Radivojevic and Stephane Veilleux, most particularly. And yes, I had to look up how to spell Radivojevic.

Gaborik has a shaved head. He claims it is because he got a bad haircut. Why do I have trouble believing this? After all, I imagine he pays a fair chunk of change for a cut. I'm sure he doesn't take his chances with a budget barber. He looks pretty weird. (He got his 200th career goal though.)

Next game is against the Avs on Monday night. We had to sell the tickets for this one. Number one spot in the Northwest division is on the line. Could be some wintery weather coming in town that night so I am a bit relieved not to have to drive.

Friday, March 14, 2008

My progress and a hockey favorite

The latest progress on my pair of socks. The other socks is only six rounds behind this one. This is through 2 repeats of the pattern. The leg is finished after doing the first 18 rounds of the pattern again. Maybe by Sunday I will be on to the heels.


J.P. Parise did "Let's Play Hockey" at the game last night. I favorite of mine from my younger days, I always enjoy it when they have North Stars players. And, yes, I am still bitter about the North Stars moving to Texas even though I love the Wild.

The Wild played well in the first period. At random times during the rest of the game it seemed as if they were taken over by the "Orb of Confusion" which I realize is a random reference to SpongeBob. It is really disturbing how much they sit back when they get the lead in a game. It just seems to happen again and again. They seem to try to be too cute with the puck and make all kinds of stupid mistakes. And I won't even get into how badly they are doing in the shootout.

Next game: LA tomorrow evening at 7. Please bring your A game for a win in regulation!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Current Sock Progress et al

Ariel Socks
Originally uploaded by magknits218
This picture is a bit out of focus or my eyes are blurry. Either could be the problem.

They are coming along pretty quickly. I ripped them back and restarted them using a size 2 so they don't have to stretch quite so much. One of the balls of yarn has had two knots in it so far. I hope that will be the last of it.


The Canadiens are taking it to the Devils tonight. I hope that this results in massive demoralization so they play poorly on Thurday night.

There was an article in the paper this morning about Wild prospect Benoit Pouliot. Sounded to me like he is lobbying for a job. If he wants to play with the big boys he better show some consistancy and put some points on the board. I wonder what it will take for him to understand that.

Sounds like Belanger will be out for awhile. This is extremely unfortunate because he had been playing well as of late. That part that really, really sucks is that he was hurt blocking a shot and we didn't even win the game.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Finished socks and an open letter

A Little Twisted Socks the October 2007 SotM from, Designed by Debbie O'Neill

My first pair done for March. I am being positive and hoping that I get at least one more pair done this month.

Open Letter to the Minnesota Wild-

As a member of the Team of 18,000, I would like to ask a question.

What is the matter with you? Is it too much to ask that you can win a simple game against a non playoff team? The worry has been coming on for awhile, but now I wonder if we will be using the playoff tickets that we are getting set to pay for. It makes me very sad. All this potential...

I can see the frustration on the coaches faces. A few guys are stepping up but for the most part, it is only one or two in any given game. You need to work hard and quit looking for someone else to carry the load. I challenge any one of you to look yourself in the mirror and be able to say that you are giving 100% effort. A few years back, this team made the playoffs for the first time. It was a team of for the most part little known players who were playing their hearts out for the other members of the team. Well, you are better known now for your skill, but don't have the heart of that team. Remember what it means to be a teammate. Play with some heart, some pride. Stop letting us and yourselves down. NO MORE MESSING AROUND. Be men and do your jobs.

That is all.


A sad and frustrated fan

Friday, February 29, 2008

Where did February Go?

I can't believe that a whole month has gone by since I last posted a blog entry. Makes me feel pretty guilty actually. I will admit that I have been avoiding typing as much as possible due to wrist issues, but also I've been doing a fair amount of re-organizing and cleaning up in my fiber room. So I guess I shouldn't feel too badly.

I did finish some socks.

Tea Time
Originally uploaded by magknits218
I was really afraid that I would run out of yarn with these socks. I finished knitting them last night and worked in the last of the ends this noon. The pattern is the December Sock of the Month from, designed by Adrienne Fong.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Second pair of the year and another win

My second pair for January

These socks were the May 2002 Sock of the Month from (I need to figure out how to do links again. Sigh) I really enjoyed knitting them, and I hope that no one notices that there are different numbers of cables on the two socks.

Wild win, 5-1

This picture was taken by my son during the warm ups. I figure that he has a better chance of getting down by the glass without being stopped. I need to work on his technique, although I must say that Mikko Koivu never seems to stop moving. Ever.

Great game. We weathered the first period, in which I felt we came out pretty flat. The scoring exploded in the 2nd with the first 3 goals by the Wild coming in quick succession. That was it for Giguere who pitched a very toddler like tantrum.
Butch scored the 4th goal right before the end of the period. Corey Perry scored one for the Ducks which killed Backstrom's shut out. Bummer. And our final goal was a nice job by Sheppard to stick with it and not give up. All and all, a very satisfying night!


This is the last thing one would ever expect to see when walking in to a hockey arena.

Apparently, the rodeo is in town this weekend.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

First socks of the year & a Wild win

These are my first socks of 2008. I actually re-made them for a friend of my daughter. I had knit them with the two toe deal for wearing with sandals. After getting the thumbs down from the aforementioned daughter and thinking I would never wear them that way, they just hung around waiting for a purpose. A friend of DD saw my blog on her computer and asked if I would make her some socks. I undid the toes and ripped them back for length and then re-knit them with regular toes.


First period: (0-0)Pretty boring. Could've used a cup of coffee to stay awake.

Second period: (2-0)Much better. Especially since we started scoring. First goal was a beauty by Pavol Demitra. Second goal by James Sheppard, his third of the season.

Third period: (4-1)The Wild's third goal was a bit strange. Belanger threw what looked like a soft shot toward the goal, and it went in. Josh Harding got an assist on that one. Finally, Gaborik got his 25th of the season. The Coyotes killed Josh's shut out on a goal by Doan. To be fair, it was a 5 on 3. Nick was in the box for tripping and then Burns made a rather reckless play that resulted in him being sent to the box for tripping as well. Score came with 2 seconds left in Nick's penalty. It was sad.

Three stars of the game:
Third Star: Gaborik with a goal and an assist
Second Star: Demitra with a goal and an assist
First Star: Harding with an assist and 27(?) saves.

Next game is at home versus the Flames on Wednesday.

Friday, January 11, 2008

No pictures, but cookies and a Wild win


I didn't get the pictures taken today-obviously. I did get the second toe taken out of the toe socks and started doing the new toe. Also worked a bit on my October SOTM socks.

I did, however, bake 3 batches of cookies.


Despite being seriously outshot, the Wild managed a nice win. Goals by Foy, Gaborik(2), Bouchard and Parrish. Glad to see them continue to score. Tied with Vancouver and Calgary for first place in the division. Next game is Sunday night at home against the Coyotes.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

I can't believe it!


I am making slow but sure progress on several projects. I will take some new pictures tomorrow in the daylight.

The latest is a re-do of a pair of sandal socks that I made for myself. This was a class project and I didn't ever wear them. A friend of my daughter at university expressed interest in hand knit socks, but did not want the separated toe deal. I am ripping out the toes and making the more traditional toe.


The hockey gods are active today.

1-The Wild has been sold to the former owner of the Nashville Predators, Craig Leipold.

2-Marion Gaborik has been named to the All Star Game.

3-Dominik Moore has been placed on waivers to make room for the return of Mikko Koivu. I hope this move doesn't come back to bite us. I was expecting Matt Foy to be the one that would be put on waivers.

4-The Wild beat the Red Wings. 6-5 Unbelievable! It took the shoot out to do it, but at this point who cares.