Sunday, March 16, 2008


Current SIP-

I finished knitting both the legs of the Ariel socks last night. This is a picture of the leg on my arm so the lace shows up better.

Progress for today-I have one of the heel flaps about done.


It was a rather slow moving game last night. But we finally got a win in regulation, so I'll take it. Players of the game were the members of the checking line-Branko Radivojevic and Stephane Veilleux, most particularly. And yes, I had to look up how to spell Radivojevic.

Gaborik has a shaved head. He claims it is because he got a bad haircut. Why do I have trouble believing this? After all, I imagine he pays a fair chunk of change for a cut. I'm sure he doesn't take his chances with a budget barber. He looks pretty weird. (He got his 200th career goal though.)

Next game is against the Avs on Monday night. We had to sell the tickets for this one. Number one spot in the Northwest division is on the line. Could be some wintery weather coming in town that night so I am a bit relieved not to have to drive.

Friday, March 14, 2008

My progress and a hockey favorite

The latest progress on my pair of socks. The other socks is only six rounds behind this one. This is through 2 repeats of the pattern. The leg is finished after doing the first 18 rounds of the pattern again. Maybe by Sunday I will be on to the heels.


J.P. Parise did "Let's Play Hockey" at the game last night. I favorite of mine from my younger days, I always enjoy it when they have North Stars players. And, yes, I am still bitter about the North Stars moving to Texas even though I love the Wild.

The Wild played well in the first period. At random times during the rest of the game it seemed as if they were taken over by the "Orb of Confusion" which I realize is a random reference to SpongeBob. It is really disturbing how much they sit back when they get the lead in a game. It just seems to happen again and again. They seem to try to be too cute with the puck and make all kinds of stupid mistakes. And I won't even get into how badly they are doing in the shootout.

Next game: LA tomorrow evening at 7. Please bring your A game for a win in regulation!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Current Sock Progress et al

Ariel Socks
Originally uploaded by magknits218
This picture is a bit out of focus or my eyes are blurry. Either could be the problem.

They are coming along pretty quickly. I ripped them back and restarted them using a size 2 so they don't have to stretch quite so much. One of the balls of yarn has had two knots in it so far. I hope that will be the last of it.


The Canadiens are taking it to the Devils tonight. I hope that this results in massive demoralization so they play poorly on Thurday night.

There was an article in the paper this morning about Wild prospect Benoit Pouliot. Sounded to me like he is lobbying for a job. If he wants to play with the big boys he better show some consistancy and put some points on the board. I wonder what it will take for him to understand that.

Sounds like Belanger will be out for awhile. This is extremely unfortunate because he had been playing well as of late. That part that really, really sucks is that he was hurt blocking a shot and we didn't even win the game.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Finished socks and an open letter

A Little Twisted Socks the October 2007 SotM from, Designed by Debbie O'Neill

My first pair done for March. I am being positive and hoping that I get at least one more pair done this month.

Open Letter to the Minnesota Wild-

As a member of the Team of 18,000, I would like to ask a question.

What is the matter with you? Is it too much to ask that you can win a simple game against a non playoff team? The worry has been coming on for awhile, but now I wonder if we will be using the playoff tickets that we are getting set to pay for. It makes me very sad. All this potential...

I can see the frustration on the coaches faces. A few guys are stepping up but for the most part, it is only one or two in any given game. You need to work hard and quit looking for someone else to carry the load. I challenge any one of you to look yourself in the mirror and be able to say that you are giving 100% effort. A few years back, this team made the playoffs for the first time. It was a team of for the most part little known players who were playing their hearts out for the other members of the team. Well, you are better known now for your skill, but don't have the heart of that team. Remember what it means to be a teammate. Play with some heart, some pride. Stop letting us and yourselves down. NO MORE MESSING AROUND. Be men and do your jobs.

That is all.


A sad and frustrated fan