Friday, November 28, 2008

A Classic Sock


A Classic Sock
Originally uploaded by magknits218

Something finished to post about-finally. These were my throw in my bag and take along socks for several years. Clearly, I don't get much time to knit when I'm out and about. I actually finished these last Sunday, but just got lazy about taking the photo and posting. They are just a basic sock pattern from Nancy Bush that I got on a handout at a yarn shop years ago. I think the pattern is also included in Folk Socks.

I also finished re-re-knitting the toes on the socks that I finished the end of September.

Minnesota Wild-

What an up and down season we are having. It seems if we are scoring our defense suffers and if we can't score then neither can the other team. I won't even comment on the last game. Still very upset on the outcome.

Today is Wes Walz Day. I forgot to get my post done to be included in his scrapbook. Bummer, but I guess I had some responsibility to get a dinner done seeing as it was Thanksgiving. I hope to get some pictures. It will be a very emotional day for all Wild fans and I hope the boys don't let that affect their play too much. It seems that these type deals are usually bad luck for the home teams.